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Using Needle Felting to help with Depression, Anxiety & Stress…

Using Needle Felting to help with Depression, Anxiety & Stress…

Our World has changed so much in the last 20 years with the rapid advancements in technology, the population explosion, and the Covid lockdown that was difficult on everyone. Everything is so face paced now, and daily life is so expensive, that it’s hard to keep up with it all, not to mention online cyber bullying, and feelings of loneliness for many, which can feel very overwhelming. The overall levels of stress, anxiety, and depression are at an all time high in society, and trying to find ways to cope are debilitating for some people. You can’t just hope that it gets better, or goes away, so learning to manage your stress in a positive way is crucial to a healthy mental and physical lifestyle. The good news is that needle felting is an amazing, and relatively inexpensive form of therapy for reducing stress and anxiety, and helping with feelings of depression. The repetition stabbing motion of needle felting is self soothing, and also helps to release stress as you can channel that stress through the stabbing motion. Envisioning the things that create the stress in your life, and then using the needle to gently poke away at them. Perhaps it’s the person who cut you off on the freeway this morning, or your unpleasant boss at work, or even a stressful job, those things can be gently stabbed away emotionally with each poke of the needle on your project, helping you to release that stress, relax and feel better.
The actual creative process of needle felting can become quite addicting. Starting with a pile of raw wool, and watching it turn into a piece of art that you have envisioned in your mind is quite amazing. Once you start your project, and you are working on it, the repetitive poking with the needle allows you to go into almost a meditative like mode which relaxes you, and allows you to tune out the rest of the World and forget about all of the problems that have been stressing you out, at least for a little while- and that is very therapeutic!  I have several therapist customers who are now using needle felting as part of their therapy in sessions with their clients to help them learn to self heal & self medicate through felting. I think this is a wonderful way to treat stress, and can’t recommend it enough, so why don’t you give it a try, and see what beautiful things your stress, anxiety or depression can create, and how much better you might feel while creating your felted beauties! 


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Using Needle Felting to help with Depression, Anxiety & Stress…

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